
Since its inception in 1999, Baratza has offered high-quality, state-of-the-art grinders for those who care about making the best coffees. Created by the dynamic team of Kyle Anderson and Kyra Kennedy, Baratza has quickly become known as the company to turn to for innovation, quality, and consistency.
Baratza understands the need for a superior grind that matches the quality, flavor, and roast of your finest beans. Their grinders support an extensive range of brew methods.
Baratza designs the grinders in Seattle. They are built in Taiwan, with precision burrs from Europe, and distributed through an ever expanding worldwide network.
Never happy with the status quo, Baratza unceasingly advances the design and functionality of their products. Their innovations include: a macro/micro grind adjust system to dial in the perfect grind, a Portaholder to grind hands-free into a portafilter, or the grind by weight system.